In the beginning, Internet pioneers used to share experiences in Usenet groups. There were very few of them: a bunch of scientists and romantic computer hackers. First steps with computers were very hard, and it was good to share information. But information was hard to find, and there was no global “index” to find the piece you needed.

Then, the World Wide Web came, and it was good for those old romantic hackers to publish their documents. Indexing came to the scene, and there was easier to find whatever you needed. This ecosystem was opened step by step to academic world… and it was good, because this took the network to another level. Massive knowledge quantities were concentrated. These were the old glory days of the Internet.

Everything started to grow up. Big companies came to the scene. It was good to have some e-commerce…

And then, more and more, and more people came…

And it was hard to breathe with so many people ;-)

Well… I’m getting lost with the story. So everybody was online now. Many people were making a lot of noise, and it was hard to “hear” those voices from old hackers. Internet was polluted by tons of teenagers and not so teenagers trying to get their minute of glory.

Nowadays it’s really hard to get good information about real life computer programming issues. Most of the blogs are motivated only by “self promotion” and “personal marketing”. The result is that all you get when finding information about an issue is a bunch of “hello world” examples duplicated all around the Internet (often with the same errors copied from blog to blog).

I’m not saying I’m exclusively motivated by altruism and this is going to be blog panacea. I’m not going to lie: I shall be really happy if this content makes some “marketing” about myself and helps me finding a good job (well… er.. OK, if you, the reader, are my current boss, please take into account that I’m talking about a hypothetical case in which I get fired: I’m sure I’m working in my dreams company nowadays ;-).

What I really want to say is that self promotion will never be the main goal of this blog.

So, take note… these are my motivations to start writing a new blog:

  • Document real life examples, real life problems, and questions that are hard to find in the Internet.
  • Write some lines in English (it’s not my mother tongue, so writing exercises my brain’s “muscles”). Corrections from native readers are greatly appreciated.
  • Why not… get some kudos to feed my ego.

That said, Welcome to my blog and stay tuned to new posts!