First steps with WinDbg

WinDbg is the Microsoft’s “de-facto” standard for kernel-mode debugging. It sounds like a hacking tool, or something restricted to gurus… but it can be really useful for “mainstream developers” like you and me. It can be used to debug user-mode code, it has capabilities to debug .NET processes, and best... [Read More]
Tags: WinDbg

Introduction to .net post-mortem debugging

There are lots of good practices to follow during software development. You can make, defensive programming, unit tests, load tests, manual testing, follow good design practices, follow agile methodologies… but whatever you do, the software will fail unexpectedly in the production environment. [Read More]
Tags: post-mortem, debugdiag, .net

Post Zero

In the beginning, Internet pioneers used to share experiences in Usenet groups. There were very few of them: a bunch of scientists and romantic computer hackers. First steps with computers were very hard, and it was good to share information. But information was hard to find, and there was no... [Read More]
Tags: misc